4 Ways to level up your Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude challenges you to focus on the good in our life, encouraging more mindful and intentional living. Gratitude Journaling is the practice of capturing the gratitude inspiring experiences in our daily lives to create a more optimistic and generous life. Here are a few ways to get the most out of gratitude journaling.

1.       BELIEVE

First and foremost gratitude journaling, like most things, will not work unless you do! You have to make the commitment to live a more fulfilled and thankful life. Gratitude Journaling is most effective when you first make the conscious decision to become happier and more grateful. Journaling also makes us more aware of the deepening emotional impact of the gifts around us, which can easily be overlooked.

“Writing helps to organize thoughts, facilitate integration, and helps you accept your own experiences and put them in context. In essence, it allows you to see the meaning of events going on around you and create meaning in your own life” says Robert Emmons, the leading psychologist on gratitude.

2.       DIG DEEP

When writing in your Gratitude Journal, go for depth over breadth. Elaborating in detail about a particular thing/event for which you’re grateful carries more benefits than a superficial list of many things. Focusing on people to whom you are grateful has more of an impact than focusing on things for which you are grateful.

Grateful people are habitually specific. The richest thank you’s will acknowledge intentions, costs, and they’ll describe the value of benefits received. Try to see each item you write down in your Gratitude Journal as a gift. Be aware of your feelings and how you savor these gifts in your mind.

Experts suggest asking yourself “what I am grateful for,” followed by closing your eyes or putting your hand on your heart, and waiting for the feelings to resonate before writing in your Gratitude Journal. By waiting a bit longer for the feeling to kick in, you know your entry is coming from a deeper place.


Sometimes we get so focused on the difficulty of the climb that I lost sight of being grateful for simply having a mountain to climb. Reflect on what your life would be like without certain blessings, rather than feeling deserving or entitled to all the good things in your life. Experiences that heighten meaningful connections with others—like noticing how another person has helped you, acknowledging the effort it took, and savoring how you benefited from it helps you see all of the gratitude worthy things around you.

Record events in your day that were unexpected or surprising, as these tend to elicit stronger levels of gratitude. Celebrate the wins and your feelings.  Maya Angelou’s beautiful quote sums it up perfectly, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


4.       DO YOU

If daily gratitude journaling is too much for you to start off with, that’s ok. Don’t force it. Instead of OD-ing on gratitude, find a routine that works best for you. If every day and night aren’t feasible for you, try every morning or every other day. You can start with writing down one thing each day that you are grateful for and work your way up to a twice a day practice. It is better to get the full benefit by practicing gratitude regularly, rather than every once and awhile. Leading experts sat that we tend to adapt to positive events quickly, especially if we constantly focus on them.

Focus on quality over quantity. To prevent it getting repetitive, you want enough detail so you can visualize the gratitude and feel it. This is key.

To mix things up, you can also try gratitude categories:

Monday = gratitude for relationships

Tuesday = gratitude for family

Wednesday = gratitude about things I love about myself

Thursday = gratitude about helping others

Friday = gratitude about the world

Saturday = gratitude about friends

Sunday = gratitude about my positive qualities

Share your gratitude. Get a gratitude partner to check in with and tell them all of the things that you were grateful for this week. You can pick someone each week that you can share how grateful you are to have them in your life.


Our 21 days of Gratitude Instagram challenge started on Nov. 1st, but its not too late to join! Grab a Gratitude Journal and check out our Gratitude 21 Highlight for all of the journal prompts. Help us spread the magic of gratitude!

6 Ways to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

This month we are continuing to build on preparation, by diving deeper into the benefits of a positive growth mindset. Over 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. Individuals who believe their talents can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from other have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset, those who believe their talents are innate gifts. This is because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.

Changing a mindset can be challenging, because your mindset impacts every aspect of your life. Remember that a change in mindset is gradual, and we must honor the process. Here are a few ways that you can cultivate a mindset for growth and success.



Stay Grateful

Studies show that a regular practice of  gratitude can have greater positive effects on your health and well being.  Energy flows where attention goes, and our mood is often determined by what we honor and think about in our life. Our mindset has significant implications on our performance and ultimate effectiveness each day and throughout our lives. Find 5-10 minutes each day to be mindful and practice gratitude. Notice the things that are going right and learn from the things that might go wrong.  Lastly, understand that practicing gratitude is much more than simply saying thank you; it is about truly feeling grateful for what you have. When you do say thanks, you become present and connected with the positive energy of gratitude inside of you.

Serve Others

No matter your situation in life, when you are helping others, you feel a surge of positive emotions from the understanding that you have real value, and that you can positively impact the lives of others.  Serving others is truly the gift that gives twice–first, through the service provided to the person in need, and secondly, through the empowering and validating emotions that are given back to the giver.


Practice Mindfulness

Almost all of the negative emotion in our lives is created through regret of past actions or anxiety about the future.  Understand that all of the power you have is in the present moment, so we must choose wisely with what to do with it. Practice just being present.  Meditation and prayer are great tools to help you develop these skills. Quiet time, music, reading, sports, or art may be ways to help you be fully in the present moment. Find something you can do daily that gets you in the zone.


Dream Big, but Plan Small

Success is not usually an overnight thing, it is a series of a thousand tiny actions and accomplishments that produce a successful result. Too often people set big goals, but ultimately come up short from being overwhelmed by the challenge. Dream big, then create a road map to that dream by setting smaller goals that PUSH you closer to success. Find ways to measure and recognize the little accomplishments, that when added up, lead to extraordinary achievements.


Download our FREE Weekly Agenda and To Do List here!


Squad Goals

The people that you surround yourself with matter!  When you surround yourself with positive people, their positive outlooks, positive stories and positive affirmations will eventually rub off on you. Their positive words will sink in and affect your own line of thinking, providing you with new ideas and perspectives. Finding positive people to fill up your life can be difficult, but eliminated the negativity in your life is vital. When your team is winning, you win! Do what you can to improve the positivity of others, and let their positivity affect you the same way.

Take Action

There are few things as powerful to a positive state of mind than the process of simply taking action. Dreaming and planning are, apart of what we like to call the Pre-PUSH, activities that prepare you for the the journey to achievement. Action eliminates doubt and puts us in control of our path, rather than being the victim of circumstance. When you start feeling financial pressure, create a budget and develop a new revenue generation strategy.  When you are feeling unhealthy, create a fitness plan and begin working out and making better food choices immediately. The key is to counter your discomfort with a plan and action. Remember, small steps lead to big results. By doing this, you will attack your fear head-on, and empower yourself with a boost of positive energy.


Download our FREE PUSH Pyramid to help you plan a goal from start to finish NOW!



In addition to taking action, we must practice the craft or task that we wish to master. Confidence is the result of not just doing something well, but knowing you do something well. When you practice often, you get good.  When you get good, you feel confident about your abilities.  When you feel confident about your abilities, you take more risks, practice even more, and ultimately become a master of your craft.

Make sure you are doing all the little things that will help support where it is you want to go and what it is you want to do, is essential to cultivating a positive mindset.  No amount of positive thinking can replace good habits or daily practice. So put them in place as daily essentials, so you can then focus your efforts elsewhere. If you can count on yourself to have the right habits in place, you will free yourself to focus and work on more ethereal concepts--such as positive thinking and risk taking.



Creating Your Clear Vision

It’s finally May and we’re ready for the warm weather and spring flowers! This month we are focusing on creating a clear vision and manifesting the life that you want. We all have an idea of how we want our lives to play out, but very few have a clear vision for their life.

Our current state is the result of all of our past decisions. The beautiful part is that we are fully capable of creating our futures. Creating a vision for your life might seem like a frivolous, fantastical waste of time, but it’s not. Creating a compelling vision of the life you want is actually one of the most effective strategies for achieving the well-balanced life of your dreams.

“Create the highest grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” Oprah Winfrey

A vision is something like a mirage in the mind, a state you want manifested into your outer world. Clear vision leads to fulfillment, purpose, and brings meaning into our lives. A clear vision allows you to be proactive, instead of letting life happen to you. The harsh reality is that if you don’t develop your own vision, you’ll allow other people and circumstances to direct the course of your life.


The power of a vision allows us to see beyond our present condition. The power to visualize was given to us for a reason. Through vision we can dream, create, and manifest what does not yet exist.

Your best vision blossoms from your dreams, hopes, and aspirations. It will resonate with your values and ideals, and will generate energy and enthusiasm to help strengthen your commitment to explore the possibilities of your life. What qualities and standards represent you? A clear vision includes aligning all of your actions with your core values. Start with a list of your core values, then brainstorm your aspirations and dreams.

You have the ability to write your story. Describe your ideal life in detail, and allow yourself to dream, imagine, and create a vivid picture. If you can’t visualize a picture, focus on how your best life would feel. Consider every aspect of your life, personal and professional, tangible and intangible. Contemplate all the important areas, family and friends, career and success, health and quality of life, spiritual connection and personal growth, and don’t forget about fun and enjoyment. Remember to ask why you want certain things and focus on your wishes, not what others expect of you.

You might not be able to visualize your life 20 years from now, but try. If you have to, start small and create  your vision for the next 5 years and continue to build on that vision as you manifest small goals into big results. Creating your vision is not a set it and forget it exercise. Manifesting is an active practice. You must revisit your vision frequently, and most importantly believe that you have the ability to make it happen. Your daily actions should align with your vision and push you closer to where you want to be. Remember, “where your focus goes, energy flows.” Checking in on your goals should be apart of your daily practice/routine.

"You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction." ― Alvin Toffler

Staying focused on your vision also requires a positive mindset. Affirmations are a great way to incorporate positive thinking into your daily life. A vision board is a great way to reinforce the vision and direction in your mind so that you can be more sure of reaching your dreams.
Write it down and create an eye pleasing visual of the reason why you must succeed, and make it a MUST, not a should or a maybe

Start today! Envision something you have always wanted to do. Let yourself be as creative as possible. Is it Snowboarding in the Swiss Alps? Finishing your education? Making a million dollars? Starting your own business? Whatever it is, you can accomplish it, and this can be achieved by first envisioning your dream to be real!


Here’s How to Get Back on the Horse Once You’ve Fallen Off


Life is tough, but darling so are you!


First, let me admit as a self-proclaimed procrastinator, I have fallen off of the horse time and time again. I’ve lost focus so many times I’m pretty much an expert. This also qualifies me as an expert in restarting the process,, because here I am still pushing! Denzel said, “fall 7 times, get up 8”, right? And you can believe that I’ve gotten up every single time! Here are a few ways to get back on the horse once you've fallen off:



3.     GO HARDER






The first and most important key to getting back on the horse is never giving up! Striving for success is hard; if it were easy everyone would be successful! The goal is to not let the failure or road block discourage you from continuing on. We all get disappointed and sometimes shaking it off isn't so easy. Take the time you need to reflect on the disappointment, and then get back up! Always keep your purpose, your ‘why’, in the front of your mind. Constantly remind yourself what you are doing all of this for. Your purpose has to be greater than the fear, doubt and disappointment you are sure to encounter. Every time you get back up it’s a little easier, and you become even more invested in the journey. It’s easier to give up on your first try, as opposed to your eigth attempt. The longer you delay the restart, the harder it is to get back on the horse. Take a day off. Don't let your disappointment throw off your rhythm or progress, because the next thing you know a month will have passed, allowing your goal to move further and further away.



It’s imperative to learn from your mistakes and disappointments. Each fall is a lesson and valuable step in your journey towards success. Before getting back up and jumping on the horse, take a moment to reflect. Take time to understand why you failed. What went wrong during the process? What can you improve on next time? Addressing your mistakes allows you to gain a better understanding of your challenges and how to overcome them.



When I’m feeling ‘blah’, I usually have to dig deeper to get back on the horse. I might do an intense exercise routine in order to get me going. Once you accomplish something small, like a hard workout, it puts you in the mindset of achievement. Then you’re able to recreate that achievement in other aspects of your life. I immerse myself in affirmations, images and sounds that evoke a sense of creativity and well-being within me. Check out our Instagram for great words of affirmation. I like listening to the words and sounds that speak to my soul; I’ve learned it helps build my confidence. I also eagerly seek out things that will soothe my weariness and boost my energy. Remember to care for yourself through joy as much as you do through effort.


PUSH Harder...

Don't give up!

Sometimes my mind is just cloudy, so I block out an hour to do a brain dump. There can be so many things going on with your personal life in addition to family, work, and the side hustle, that your brain is functioning on survival mode. Many people try to keep everything in their head, which often leads to unwanted paralysis, ensuring that nothing ultimately is accomplished. Writing your plans on paper, especially using our Dreamcatcher worksheet, which allows you to break goals down into simple tasks before setting clear deadlines, provides a sense of clarity. Once you have everything on paper you can then determine the best course of action to get back on the horse.




Sometimes we can't do it all on our own, so find someone that you can lean on! Our friends are there to support us when we are in need. Give your BFF a call and let him/her know that you are struggling to get back on top of your goals. This person can remind you of your strengths, as well as recalling times when you were a rockstar. We tend to replay our failure highlight reels while forgetting about all of the wins we have already accomplished. It’s also good to call up that adventurous friend that’s always looking for a good time. Get out and do something fun to spark your creativity. A night on the town with the bestie can lead to feeling more energized and inspired if you have an awesome best friend like I do. :) Having someone to share your struggles with can be the exact thing you need. Never underestimate a good venting session.




Our Auntie Oprah says that, “when things get crazy and confusing, or you’re just not sure of the next steps, get still and quiet.” If you’ve never experienced the calming and centering power of mediation, then you are missing out my friend. We are always in constant motion. Even if you sit at a desk all day, your fingers are typing and your mind is racing. When we are tired many of us know to give our bodies a rest, but what about the mind? Mediating for a quick 10 minutes will give you a moment to give thanks for the things that you have and the situation that you are in today. Meditation also allows you to be mindful and take a moment to just breathe and re-center. Uncle Rush, better known as Russell Simmons, is an advocate for the benefits of yoga and meditation. He wrote a phenomenal quick read on its benefits and how he’s helped some of the most successful people start a meditation practice. The book suggests that ideally we should meditate for 20 minutes twice a day, but don’t worry, the book also provides strategies to work up to that goal!


The mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.”

Amit Ray



Accepting there will be wins, losses and endless opportunities throughout your journey to success will allow you to better deal with obstacles as they arise. Adjust your mindset to look at challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, not as limitations of your capabilities. Remember, the more you confront and overcome obstacles, the less impact they will have on your process. Roadblocks are inevitable, but arming yourself with a positive mindset and the tools to overcome will help you get back on the horse like a true champion.



8 Tips To Quickly Improve Your Focus



When you think of the word FOCUS what comes to mind?

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are 2 of the most successful men in the world. They were both asked to write down one word that they attributed their success to. They both wrote the word FOCUS.

Ultimately, focus means putting all of your energy into the one task at hand. No distractions and absolutely no multitasking! With so many distractions in our lives like work and family obligations, social media, tv, webinars, and podcasts how can we focus on 1 task at a time?


We compiled a list of tips to help you be more focused on your prioritized tasks:



Select a location with minimal distractions to execute your task. I love finding a quiet room in the library and turning my phone on silent to focus in on a goal. It’s just you and the task and you’re able to get in the zone and get more done.



You will be distracted, the sooner that you accept that fact the better. Have a plan to deal with distractions before you begin focusing on a task. Tell the people around you that you will be focusing on a task and that disruptions should be in the case of an emergency. You can also set a timer and block out time to focus, then allow time for a break. If you know that you’ll be able to check your phone in 30 minutes, the phone will be less tempting. Beat the distractions before they beat you!



Take the time to evaluate what you are trying to achieve and the best way to get there. Create a task list and prioritize what needs to be done first or which task can eliminate some of the other tasks. Work strategically instead of filling up your time with busy work.




What do you need in order to see your goal through to the finish line? If there are things that you need before you can make progress, acquiring those things should be a priority in your action plan. Incorporate acquiring the tools you need into your daily to do lists. Gather everything that you need up front, so there's no need to break your flow once you get started.



Once you have identified the tools that you need and what your priorities are, create an action plan. Each task should be very specific with a deadline. Break larger tasks into smaller ones and stick to your deadlines. When your goals are written down you are more likely to stick to them. Try finding an accountability partner who will cheer you on and hold you accountable to your action plan and deadlines.

The PUSH Pyramid is the perfect tool to help you create a 3-month action plan to help you plan and achieve your goals. You can download the PUSH Pyramid here for FREE



Take the time, at least weekly, to evaluate your progress and look for opportunities to improve. Also, pat yourself on the back for the things that you accomplished. Tracking your progress also allows you to get more familiar what drives you and helps you thrive. If you find yourself at a road block, adapt but do not quit! No one ever made progress by quitting.



Don't quit, Just keep PUSHing! Forward progress is the only way that you will reach the finish line. Being mentally strong enough to persevere past any obstacles is how you will achieve success. You have to want the goal more than anything else. The planning is the easy part, grit and execution will allow you to reach your goal and create the habit of working hard to complete your goals. Once you’ve done it once you can do it again and again until you have a life that you want and deserve



If you need an extra incentive, plan a reward for yourself after you complete your goal. Please note, the reward should not be counterproductive. If your goal is to lose 10 pounds, try to avoid rewarding yourself with a celebration cake or drinks at the bar. While you should treat yourself, you want to keep the momentum that you’ve build achieving this goals so that you can roll right into achieving the next goal. Announce that you achieved your goal on social media so the people that love can encourage your progress and give you the boost you need to persevere through the next goal.



“Everyone gets the same number of minutes in an hour. What you do with them and how you invest them will ultimately determine what you'll get out of all the hours in your life.”  ~Dave Lakhani


Power Hour

A great book to accompany your productive focus journey is The Power Of An Hour: Business and Life Mastery in One Hour A Week by Dave Lakhani.

All you need is one solid distraction-free hour and Lakhani's instruction manual (which won't take much more than an hour to digest), and you're on your way to achieving a Zen-like state of what he calls "Fearsome Focus" that will blast your troubles away.

For a full summary of The Power of An Hour and additional stategies to improve your productivity, sign up for our FREE 5-day PUSH Your Productivity Email Course!